"Una paraula, una imatge"

Finalistes de Foto Jove

Three students from Aixa are finalists in the Foto Jove "One word, one image" photography contest. More than 1,500 students in different age categories have participated, coming from 25 schools in Mallorca.

Each participant has taken five photos of five different concepts: 'No', 'Light', 'Island', 'Wings' and 'Crowd'.

On the day of the opening of the exhibition at Casal Solleric, he gave each of them a diploma and a book.

  • Daniela Casares, 3rd year of ESO, with "Island".
  • Martina Oiz, 1st High School, with "Luz".
  • Ángela García, from 1st High School, with "Alas".

The exhibition at Casal Solerci will remain open until May 5.

Global competence