Delivery of Honors Diplomas (Dual Baccalaureate)

Several students in Aixa and Llaut have been awarded the Dual Baccalaureate diplomas of excellence.

We complete the first school course of the Dual Baccalaureate in our school, and it shows recognition of the effort made by pupils in Aixa and Llaüt, Academica School has awarded several pupils the diplomas of academic excellence.

This diploma has been received by: Miquel Febrer Sansó, Alejandro Jofre Cruz, Ines Gimeno Rubí, Daniela Casares Marines (2nd ESO), Lucía Amengual Palou, Alejandra Torres Sanchez, María Giménez Rabell, Carmen Balboa Chirona (3rd ESO), Miguel Angel Simonet, Margalida Pujol Moncadas, Martina Oiz Uceda and Sofia García Quetglas (4th ESO).

Moreover, Miguel Angel Simonet will also receive the award for the greatest effort from the Education Ministry, and María Giménez Rabell was the student with the best average gradeof the Dual Baccalaureate in Spain during the first semester of this course.

Congratulations on your efforts that have been clearly demonstrated in your results!

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